9 Outfit Tips for Outdoor Family Photo Shoots in Doncaster

Doncaster Family Photographer

“What should we wear for our family photos?”

So, you’ve finally managed to get your family to agree to a family portrait session - Amazing news! You’ve chosen your photographer, you know it’s taking place outdoors, now you’re wondering what you and your family should wear, am I right? You’ve come to the right place because I’m about to give you my tips on how to plan your outfits for your upcoming photoshoot.

To ensure your family portraits shine, it’s essential to pay attention to the details, starting with your wardrobe. From choosing the right colours to considering textures and comfort, each element plays an important role in creating stunning images that capture your family’s bond. Let’s dive into some expert tips to help you dress your family for a memorable photo session.

Choosing your outfits is more than simply rooting through your wardrobe to find your favourite pieces, as the camera can change how everything looks in a photo. You want to stand out in the shots; you don’t want your outfits taking the limelight.

If you’re thinking to yourself “I can’t do this”, stop. I’ll break everything down step-by-step to make this task as easy as possible. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to receiving a stunning, timeless, yet modern gallery that you’ll be proud to share with your loved ones! Let’s jump in!

  1. Choose your Location

To give you a starting point for creating your family’s outfits for your portrait session, think about your location. Where are your photos being taken? What will the background of the images look like? What is the vibe you’re going for?

If your images are going to be taken in a woodland setting, think about colours that will stand out from all of the green tones you’ll find. If the photos are going to be taken in a field, think about the flowers that might be there as you’ll want to coordinate with their colours.

Personally, I love lighter colours, such as pastels and neutrals, as they beautifully complement the lush greenery often found in outdoor settings. These soft hues not only stand out against the backgrounds but also lend a timeless elegance to your photos. Opting for soft, muted tones ensures that your family remains the focal point while harmonising effortlessly with the surrounding environment. 

Knowing these details will really help out when you’re deciding on a colour palette, which brings me to my next point…

2. Don't match, coordinate

Gone are the days of matching outfits. Instead, opt for a cohesive colour palette of 2-3 complementary colours. Start with a dominant colour for statement pieces and complement it with neutrals and complementary hues to add depth and visual interest. For example, if your photo shoot is in a woodland location, consider incorporating earthy tones like warm browns and soft greens, accented with pops of more vibrant colours like mustard yellow or dusty pink.

In addition, I’ll provide you with a curated selection of outfit inspiration via a dedicated Pinterest board. This resource offers a wide range of styles, colour palettes, and ideas to suit your preferences. Get ready to explore and discover the perfect outfits to make your photo shoot truly memorable. 

3. Add Variety with Textures

To make your family portraits look more interesting, without using highly saturated colours, think about using textured items. To add more texture to your outfits, you can use scarves, jackets, cardigans, and hats.

Outfits can become more eye-catching by having each component be a different material. Corduroy is a fantastic material to add to your outfit. Other materials that work well include cable knit, denim, and Broderie Anglaise. These materials are all available in a rainbow of colours, along with more neutral colours, and so by mixing and matching these materials, you can create some captivating outfits.

4. Coordinate with your interior design

Consider how your outfits will complement your home decor, as you’ll likely want to display your family portraits in your living space. Choose colours that harmonise with your interior design aesthetic to create a cohesive look throughout your home. If your home decor features a neutral colour palette with accents of soft blues and earthy tones, opt for outfits that reflect this style, such as denim jeans paired with a cream jumper. Additionally, if you anticipate changing your home’s colour palette in the future, opting for neutral colours ensures versatility and longevity, seamlessly complementing any future design choices you may make.

5. Choose Comfortable pieces

If you have young children who won't sit still for longer than 5 seconds, you know that their clothes need to be comfortable, and need to be able to handle constant movement. You will be moving around and having fun during your session, so it’s really important that your clothes are comfortable and fit well.

You don’t want your clothes to fall down and become untucked as this will mean that your focus will be on how uncomfortable you are. You don’t want this to be your focus. You want to be in the moment, enjoying being outdoors with your family.

6. Dress for the Weather

This ties into dressing comfortably. You don’t want to wear jumpers and jeans when the sun is shining and it’s a really warm day as you’ll be sweating; not the ideal situation when you’re having your family portraits taken. In the Springtime, when the weather is nice (which can still be rare in England), you want to be wearing flowy dresses, and lightweight tops and shirts. When it’s a little cooler, a thin jumper works well. Think about what you would usually wear on a day-to-day basis when taking the weather into consideration, and then dress it up a little for your portraits.

7. Accessorise

Don’t forget to add jewellery to complete your outfit but make sure to keep your accessories simple and timeless; you don’t want them to become a distraction. You want your accessories to add a little something to your family portraits. You can also add hats, scarves, and shawls to accessorise; these also help to add texture to your outfits.

Now is also the best time to mention that hairbands should be removed from your wrist; this is often forgotten but can quickly become a huge distraction.

“Jewellery has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.”

8. Let your Children Help

Involve your children in the outfit selection process to get them excited about the photo shoot. Allow them to choose their outfits and treat them to something special for the occasion, ensuring it aligns with the tips shared in this blog post. Their enthusiasm will translate into genuine smiles and candid moments during the session. Take them shopping with you and let them pick out pieces that reflect their personality and style. Encourage them to select clothing that coordinates well with the overall colour palette and style recommendations provided. By empowering them to have a say in their outfits while guiding their choices to fit the desired aesthetic, you’ll not only enhance their enjoyment of the experience but also create lasting memories to cherish.

9. Think about shoes

Don’t overlook footwear when planning your outfits. Opt for comfortable, clean, and basic shoes that complement the overall look. Choose footwear that is appropriate for the location and weather conditions, whether it’s sandals for a photo shoot in a field, or boots for a woodland adventure. Avoid shoes with heels or uncomfortable styles that may restrict movement or cause discomfort during the photo shoot. If weather permits, consider going barefoot for a relaxed and natural look.

Elevate Your Family’s Style with Local Boutique Finds

Enhancing your family’s style for a photo session not only adds to the visual appeal of your portraits but also creates a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. As a firm believer in supporting local businesses, I am delighted to share some of my favourite small boutique finds for children’s clothing that are sure to elevate your family’s photo shoot to the next level.

Ducklings Baby & Childrenswear - Specialising in luxury baby and children’s clothing that suits all budgets, Ducklings Baby & Childrenswear offers a delightful selection of adorable outfits for your little ones. With a vast range of seasonal items, Ducklings Baby & Childrenswear ensures that your family’s wardrobe is always photo-ready, no matter the occasion. They deliver quality and style right to your doorstep. Explore their collection today and elevate your little one’s style.

Bella Rose - Indulge in the enchanting world of Bella Rose, where handmade elegance meets whimsical charm. Each piece at Bella Rose is meticulously crafted with love and care, ensuring quality and attention to detail. From timeless classics to whimsical designs, Bella Rose offers a curated selection of clothing that caters to every little dreamer. With options to suit every budget, Bella Rose ensures that luxury and exclusivity are accessible to all.

Tots & Teens Children’s Boutique - Embark on a delightful journey of style and charm at Tots & Teens Children’s Boutique, nestled in the heart of Tickhill. While their collections aren’t available online, a visit to their charming boutique is well worth the trip. Neutrals and pastels are everywhere in this boutique, offering a timeless yet modern aesthetic that perfectly complements any family photo shoot with me. Make a day of it by exploring the quaint streets of Tickhill, indulging in the local shops and cafes.

Boutique Baby Sale - If you’re looking for the perfect outfits for your little ones without breaking the bank, you should look no further than Boutique Baby Sale! With local events in over 30 locations across the North West and Yorkshire, Boutique Baby Sale offers a treasure trove of nearly new items for your little ones. From high street to designer clothing, each event boasts up to 40 stalls packed with thousands of pre-loved bargains. You’re sure to find the perfect outfits for your family photo shoot in Yorkshire.

And Remember…

…You’ve booked a family portrait session to capture your family having a great time! Yes, having great outfits that work well for photographs is important, but you don’t need to stress about it! These tips are here to help you out when selecting your outfits to ensure your clothes don’t detract from the final images, but the number one thing to remember is to be comfortable and make sure you all feel confident in your choices as this will make a huge impact on your photographs.


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